Contact Us

If you can't find find what you're looking for in the FAQs below, please contact us via email in the form attached or call us at (248) 845-8165.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Regarding whether our product is food safe or food grade, we have never pursued an official certification for food safety simply because it's such a complicated space and it's not historically been a primary use of Conrads Oil.

  • The ingredient list for Conrads Wood Food Oil is confidential. It is made from plants, roots, herbs, nuts and seed oils. It is non-poisonous and non-flammable. There are no synthetic ingredients or fragrances included.

  • There are many different kinds of all natural oils in Conrads, but allergies to Walnut and Almond in particular would be a concern.

  • To maintain our centuries old trade secret formula, a SDS is available to employees, emergency responders, and regulatory agencies.

  • Conrads oil can be used on a variety of materials including, but not limited to, the following:
    - Any wooden materials, both unfinished or finished. Conrads is recommended for all types of wood.
    - Wrought Iron
    - Rattan
    - Bamboo
    - Leather

    Please contact us with any questions about materials you can use Conrads to clean or restore!

  • Yes, it is perfectly fine to use on floors! Definitely give it 24 hours to sit on the wood and please be sure to wipe up any excess at the end of this timeframe so no one slips or tracks around to places you don't want it (we keep our kids and dog off the area being addressed during that time to allow oil to absorb). We have used it on the old hardwood in our foyer and it really brings it to life again!

  • Conrads will not leave a white residue on your wood. A little goes a long way as you apply to your furnishings. After an application, allow the oil to sit depending on the dryness of the wood....longer if allow the wood to absorb the oil. Then with a clean rag, wipe away any excess.

  • Applying Conrad's oil to a wooden piece with a stain will improve the marks that have been made, though it may not completely remove them in all cases.

  • It is absolutely fine to leave the oil on for any extent of time. That just allows the wood to really absorb it. The purpose of removing the excess by wiping down after an application is to remove the excess oil and prepare it for use.

  • Conrads oil does not have an expiration date :)

  • If your oil has separated or you see sediment at the bottom, there is nothing wrong. That was a question I had asked Kurt Conrad before he passed away (the gentleman we purchased the business from) because some other customers had also inquired about it. Apparently, after it sits for some time, the oil can separate to create dark material at the bottom. All you need to do is shake it up before using! It will not affect the quality of the oil. No need to buy more until you finish using what you have :)

  • We sell both a 16oz bottle and a 64oz jug (half gallon). However, I have also prepared 5 gallon pails for customers requiring a larger quantity.

  • It usually takes Amazon a couple weeks to process and restock upon receipt of my shipment to them. If you check back in a week or two, stock should likely be replenished and available. If for some reason you need your oil sooner, I can ship you a bottle directly.

  • Please contact us for a military discount code. Thank you for your service!